sci-kit learn and Pandas

I’ve gotten into horse racing. I am not a horse person, but I am an engineer. And like any engineer, I wanted to engineer a solution which could assist me in finding which horse might win a race. I decided on trying to use a technique in supervised machine learning called Learning to Rank to find the horses most likely to win.

During this project I tried different models for ranking. When I implemented ranking with sci-kit learns implementation of XGBoost, I found the documentation lacking and I was having a hard time progressing. After some research and a few hours of hacking, I got it working!

I thought I might spare someone some time by writing this article, a practical example of ranking using XGBoost, sci-kit learn and pandas.

What is Learning to Rank?

Before we start I would like to give a brief explanation of what Ranking is. Ranking is a subset of supervised machine learning. It differs from the more common cases classification and regression in that, instead of predicting the outcome of one data point, it takes a set of data points, a query, and ranks the data points.

Ranking is usually used by search engines when trying to find the most relevant result. It can also be used in product suggestion, giving relevant suggestions based on previous purchases, or in my case finding which horses are more likely to win the next race.

When ranking with XGBoost there are three objective-functions; Pointwise, Pairwise, and Listwise. These three objective functions are different methods of finding the rank of a set of items, and each has its own strengths and weaknesses. There are a multitude of resources explaining them in detail, but for the purpose of this article lets stick with the simple explanations.

  • Pointwise: One instance of the set is considered at a time, use any kind of classifier or regressor to predict how relevant it is in the current query. Use each points predicted relevance to order the set.
  • Pairwise: A pair of instances is chosen and the order of those two is predicted. Repeat this for each pair of the query to find the final order of the entire query.
  • Listwise: Many or all instances are considered at once. Try to find the optimal order.

When trying to select the optimal objective function, cross-validation is a good method for finding the best objective function for your problem. In my case, pointwise was not at all effective. Which makes sense since a horse’s chances of winning is related to its current competitors.

Data Preparation

There are a few simple things that differ from regular classification or regression, and a few pitfalls to keep in mind when preparing your data for an issue like this.

Train-Test split

First, you need a group or query id for your data. A column in your datasets which tells us which data points should be compared to which.

This query id must then be used when doing cross-validation or doing a train-test split. If you were to use a random shuffle split, your groups would be split and scattered between the test and training sets, making it impossible to rank.
If using a sequential split you would still run the risk of splitting one group between the test and training set.

The following example assumes you have a pandas Dataframe called df containing rows with feature columns, a column named id which identifies the group, and a target column called rank which contains the target.

from sklearn.model_selection import GroupShuffleSplit

gss = GroupShuffleSplit(test_size=.40, n_splits=1, random_state = 7).split(df, groups=df['id'])

X_train_inds, X_test_inds = next(gss)

train_data= df.iloc[X_train_inds]
X_train = train_data.loc[:, ~train_data.columns.isin(['id','rank'])]
y_train = train_data.loc[:, train_data.columns.isin(['rank'])]

test_data= df.iloc[X_test_inds]

#We need to keep the id for later predictions
X_test = test_data.loc[:, ~test_data.columns.isin(['rank'])]
y_test = test_data.loc[:, test_data.columns.isin(['rank'])]

When ranking, the aim is not to accurately predict the final order. Instead you are essentially trying to find what data points are relevant in the current query, and which are not. The target for Learning to Rank is a relevance score, which tells you how relevant the data point is in the current group.

In the case of horse racing the only relevant horse is the winner, the runner up can be somewhat relevant, depending on the margin to the winner. The horse which places 10:th is just as irrelevant as the one who places 11:th.


Now that we have our training and test data, we need to pass it to the model. When performing Learning to Rank we must pass another key word argument to the model, our group. This arguments takes an array of the sizes of the groups in the training data.

If you have two groups in your training data, one with 10 instances and one with 7, the groups array should simply be [10, 7]. It is imperative that the training data is still sorted on the query id.

Lets add the code to get the group array for training.

from sklearn.model_selection import GroupShuffleSplit

gss = GroupShuffleSplit(test_size=.40, n_splits=1, random_state = 7).split(df, groups=df['id'])

X_train_inds, X_test_inds = next(gss)

train_data= df.iloc[X_train_inds]
X_train = train_data.loc[:, ~train_data.columns.isin(['id','rank'])]
y_train = train_data.loc[:, train_data.columns.isin(['rank'])]

groups = train_data.groupby('id').size().to_frame('size')['size'].to_numpy()

test_data= df.iloc[X_test_inds]

#We need to keep the id for later predictions
X_test = test_data.loc[:, ~test_data.columns.isin(['rank'])]
y_test = test_data.loc[:, test_data.columns.isin(['rank'])]

Now we are ready to fit our model, to build a ranking model, we use the XGBRanker module of the xgboost package.

import xgboost as xgb

model = xgb.XGBRanker(  
    ), y_train, group=groups, verbose=True)

With the model trained using the training data, we are ready to make predictions on the test set. Usually we would use the models predict function on the entire test set, but the predict method does not take a group argument. So we need to do our predictions once per group.

This snippet is how I solved this issue

def predict(model, df):
    return model.predict(df.loc[:, ~df.columns.isin(['id'])])
predictions = (data.groupby('id')
               .apply(lambda x: predict(model, x)))

And we have our prediction. I’ve written a small function which decorates the prediction with the horses start number. Here is a set of lists with each horses start number, in descending order according to the predicted rank. Each list corresponds to a race for V64 at Solvalla 2021–02–23. Here I am only showing the top 50%.

1    [1, 6, 9, 8, 4] 
2    [3, 8, 2, 4, 11, 10] 
3    [2, 6, 8, 5] 
4    [10, 11, 8, 6] 
5    [6, 10, 4, 2] 
6    [3, 4, 5, 11]

And the actual results:

Race Result

1    [1*, 6, 9, 8, 4] 
2    [3*, 8, 2, 4, 11, 10] 
3    [2, 6*, 8, 5] 
4    [10, 11, 8, 6*] 
5    [6, 10*, 4, 2] 
6    [3*, 4, 5, 11]

The model is able to pick the top horse in 3/6 races and top two in 5/6!

I hope this short article will save you some time in your ranking project, whether it be search results, product suggestions or horse betting!

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