We solve your digital transformation – efficient and digital business processes.

We solve your digital transformation – efficient and digital business processes.

Digital transformation

For us, digital transformation is a journey of change where you want to use IT to change or streamline your business processes by achieving a higher level of automation. A prerequisite for digitizing a business is that internal IT processes are also automated and efficient.

We know that there are four critical capabilities required for success; the ability to manage data, the ability to develop business logic, the ability to deliver change, and the ability to do all of this in a secure and measurable way.



Services for business rules implementation, systems integration and API exposure.


Collecting, transforming, refining and analyzing information from services and external parties.


Packaging, validation, operation and deployment of software. Efficiently and correctly.

Safety and security

Safety and security

Access management, logging, traceability and data integrity. A comprehensive solution.

The offer

Our development platform.

In a short time, digital services have widened the gap between industry leaders and followers. Leaders have the opportunity to meet customers in many more places, with better products, better service, easier purchases and better information. Decisions taken in the next few years are likely to have a major impact on which companies end up as winners. For all those companies that need to digitize their business but lack sufficient ability, we have created a ready-made solution that gives a big head start on the journey.

We build applications and APIs.

Business logic and business processes are implemented in the form of services that together form applications. The services are specifically designed to be autonomous, easy to maintain and scale well. The interfaces of the services are exposed to internal and external consumption via APIs.
The ability to design services and APIs is critical to the success of digital transformation.

Our solution includes a complete service platform with ready-made patterns, technologies and frameworks to build microservices in a unified way. The service platform uses Spring Boot and Istio for deployment as a service mesh in Kubernetes on Google Cloud.

  • Microservices

  • API management

  • system integration

We collect, store and draw conclusions.

Data is collected from the business and external parties into data warehouses. The data collected is processed and analyzed, and the results are used to improve products, services, processes and to automate operations.

The ability to collect, store and analyze data is critical to the success of digital transformation.

Our data processing solution is based on the products available in Google Cloud, such as Google BigQuery, Google Dataform and Jupyter. To then visualize the insights gained, any product can be used such as QlikView, Google DataStudio or Tableau.

  • Collection and storage

  • Transformation and processing

  • Advanced data analysis and machine learning

We deliver efficiently and accurately.

Fully autonomous teams with centralized control over design principles, patterns, and frameworks build, test, and deliver new and changed functionality. Code, configuration, testing and delivery are monitored and managed in a common delivery platform. This provides control, predictability, efficiency and high quality at all stages of the development process.

An efficient development and delivery process is critical to the success of digital transformation. Our development and delivery platform is based on Google Cloud products with optional add-ons such as GitLab, Trivs, GitOps, OWASP ZAP and Terraform. The solution also includes patterns and templates for scripts and pipelines that are easily customized to specific needs.

  • Build and test

  • Packaging and delivery

  • Driving and monitoring

We protect your investment!

The business’ applications, APIs, data and delivery platform are protected against malicious third-party attacks with a centrally managed security solution. In addition, access and authorization, error handling, monitoring, logging and traceability are also managed. All data flows are protected by encryption. The security solution permeates the entire platform and security is taken into account in all aspects; application, API, data, development, code and delivery.

A comprehensive security solution is critical to protect your investment in digital transformation. We use Google Cloud’s built-in security platform. The solution also delivers design principles, patterns and best practices for how digital transformation can be done safely.

  • Authentication and authorization

  • Logging and traceability

  • Data integrity and encryption


Documents and files


Problemlösning står i centrum.
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Customers we have helped.

Genom åren har vi arbetat med ganska många kunder. Här är ett axplock.


När vi stöter på intressanta tekniska saker på våra äventyr så brukar vi skriva om dom. Sharing is caring!


Contact us.

You can always reach us via info@predictly.se

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